Our ever-popular Rising 5’s session starts April 2020 on Mondays from 12:30-3:00pm and ends with our graduation ceremony in July 2020.
We have a lot of fun learning experiences planned to make the children’s last term at preschool as memorable as possible and to help prepare them for “big school” in September. These activities will tie into the topic work that we are running throughout that term but with the aim of promoting the key skills they will need for starting school.
During your child’s sessions with us they will be taking part in some short activities to develop their mathematical language and promote turn-taking and concentration skills. We will continue to develop speaking and listening skills which will lay the foundation for early phonics works. We will, of course, be enjoying a vareity of books and rhymes and hope to learn some new songs.
PE sessions
We will work to promote the children’s independence by concentrating on furthering their dressing and undressing skills in preparation for their PE session in Reception. Our PE sessions will run for part of the afternoon. Please provide your child with a named PE bag (to be left at school), including a pair shorts, a t-shirt and suitable PE footwear (plimsolls, trainers, canvas shoes – no Crocs, please). The children will be exploring different movements through PE games and dance which will further develop their confidence and body control. We will be talking about the changes to their bodies when active and the importance of keeping healthy.
Out and about
We are also hoping to get out and about during these sessions as the weather warms. We have some fun mini-trips planned to make the most of the local area and available resources. These trips will support many areas of the curriculum including understand of the world, language and communication, self-confidence and self-esteem. Once our plans are finalised, we will provide more specific information on where we plan to take the children. We hope to make visits to the local police station, take a ride on the bus, shop for snacks at Waitrose, feed the ducks and to visit the Leisure Centre. We have purchased umbrellas in an effort to make all our scheduled visits, come rain or shine. Risk assessments will be carried out before each visit to ensure each child’s safety and we will ask that you fill out a consent form prior to the start of the Rising 5’s sessions.
We will be liasing with Mrs. Jones, Reception teacher at Preshute Primary School, regarding visits to the school. In addition we will be talking positively about school, particularly in the latter weeks of term.
Please do feel free to come and speak to us with any questions or concerns you may have. We are keen to give the Rising 5’s a term to remember and above all, enjoy, as happy learners are successful learners.
Best wishes,
Trish, Tanya & Rachel